Welcome to Chartography.net — insights and delights from the world of data storytelling.
🎁 Visionary Press holiday deals are live. These are our biggest discounts of the year—including books and print information graphics—plus free 🇺🇸 shipping using code holidayshipping
The next weeks can make or break a small business like ours. If you love our work and want to help us continue making spectacular books, consider sharing the gift of beautiful information graphics this holiday season. I appreciate your enthusiasm.
📦 Over the weekend, I saw the paperwork approved for Info We Trust to be imported to the United States. Everyone expects it to land tomorrow, Tuesday. If everything runs smooth it will be a quick truck from the port to our warehouse, unpacking, and then fulfillment to you.
🗓️ My office hours are filling up every week, so I added some slots. Let’s chat data graphics.
RJ Andrews helps organizations solve high-stakes problems by using visual metaphors and information graphics: charts, diagrams, and maps. His passion is studying the history of information graphics to discover design insights. See more at infoWeTrust.com.
RJ’s next book, Info We Trust, is currently available for pre-order. He published Information Graphic Visionaries, a book series celebrating three spectacular data visualization creators in 2022 with new writing, complete visual catalogs, and discoveries never seen by the public.